Reading Time: 4 minutesThe "Piscina Natural" of São Jorge are a hidden gem of the Açores islands Share on X

This summer, my family and I spent some time island hopping in the Açores, where our family originated from. We spent most of our time on Pico and used the ferry to get from island-to-island during our stay. One island which we absolutely did not want to miss was São Jorge.

Admittedly, our motivations for visiting this island were simple: cheese. Our mission was definitely accomplished – I mean, just look at how much cheese we came back with…🙈

Praying that there aren’t any Canadian customs agents that read my blog…

However, it turns out that São Jorge has a lot more to offer than just cheese. We got much more than we bargained for on our quick day trip to the island when we stumbled upon the natural pools of São Jorge.

On the southern coast of the island lies a small village called Velas Village that is home to several natural swimming pools, formed by the remanents of volcanic activity in the ocean.

It takes about an hour to drive from the ferry terminal to the Velas Village, where the natural pools or “Piscina Natural” is located, and while it is actually very well-signed from the road, all of the signs are in Portuguese, so for those who don’t quite know what they’re looking for, it can be a trick to find.

In order to gain access to Piscina Natural, you need to walk a decent ways from the road through a field until you meet an opening where you then have to climb down volcanic rocks.

It’s not a super difficult task to get down to the natural pools, however I would highly recommend wearing water shoes; as is the case with all beaches on the Açores, the volcanic rocks surrounding them are quite sharp.

It only takes about 10-15 minutes to get down to the Piscina Natural and it is well worth the short climb.

The first thing I noticed when we got down to the natural pools was how much quieter it was. The climb down is enough to deter most people, so there usually aren’t many other swimmers around.

Read more Portugal posts here

I’m not sure how to describe this place, other than magical. The scene before our eyes at the bottom of the rocks was unlike nothing that I had ever seen before.

São Jorge island has a lot more to offer than just cheese – like its stunning natural pools. Share on X

A massive cliff borders one side of the Piscina Natural while the other opens up to the big, blue ocean, held off only by a few remnants of volcanic rock poking out above the surface. I’m not going to lie, this place definitely had some Jurassic Park vibes.

A single metal ladder allows swimmers to gain entry into the water. At the far end of the pool, the ocean water continuously enters and leaves the secluded body of water. 

One important thing to note: this is literally a natural pool in the ocean bordering a cliff. That means there is nowhere to change, no bathrooms, and nowhere to store your valuables. You’re literally just swimming among volcanic rock. I’d suggest wearing your swimsuit underneath your clothes and leaving your valuables at home. All you need here is a towel anyway!

The water is the clearest water that I have ever been swimming in – and I’ve been swimming in Florida’s finest springs! You can easily see straight through the bottom of the natural pool from the top of the rocks and the temperature is just perfect for cooling off after the climb down the cliff.

Looking around and above, all that you can see is volcanic rock or open ocean – a reminder of how the Açores Islands were shaped by volcanic activity so many years ago. It was such a surreal experience being surrounded by all of this, I truly felt like I had been transported to another planet.

My only regret is that we didn’t plan our day around these natural pools, or else we would have packed a picnic lunch and spent the day in this little slice of paradise. If you’re planning a trip to São Jorge, make sure these natural pools are on your list and give yourself enough time to really soak in all this magic!

Insider Tips for enjoying Piscina Natural:

  • There is nowhere to change, so wear your bathing suit under your clothes
  • Bring water shoes – the rocks are sharp!
  • Pick up some sandwiches at the nearby cafe and have a picnic down by the water
  • Though it probably won’t do this natural wonder justice, bring your camera!