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The start of a new year is the perfect time to refresh, restart and challenge yourself to try something new – something that will make a difference. If you’re thinking of making a resolution around sustainable living, I’ve got some ideas to get you started!

One of the largest threats to the longevity of our planet is waste. We have been stuck in an endless loop of overconsumption since the introduction of capitalism. On average, each Canadian produces 720 kilograms of waste per year – more than the per capita output in the United States and double what is produced in Japan.

The biggest waste culprit on our planet today is PLASTIC. From its arrival decades ago, plastic transformed our modern lives. But in 2018, alarm bells rang out across the world over plastic pollution. Over 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in our oceans every single year – 50% of that is single-use plastic. These numbers are staggering; the images are even more horrifying.

On Earth Day, the United Nations issued its first ever State of Plastics report, calling for more recycling and better ways to manufacture the material.

I say, we just forget about it altogether. It’s about to be 2019, there is absolutely no excuse for us to still be using these cheap, disposable products that wreak so much havoc on our planet, especially with so many alternatives available on the market.

We are running out of time. We must start acting now to repair the damage that we’ve caused.

Here are ten easy steps that you can take towards a life of zero-waste and sustainable living this year.

Ditch the single-use coffee pods

When Keurig’s and Nespresso machines first came out they changed the way that people drank coffee – but at the expensive of our environment. These pods are neither biodegradable nor recyclable, meaning they generate a ton of plastic waste. These pods have roughly six grams of coffee and three grams of packaging and making up 1/3 of the Western world’s coffee retail market.

In 2019, ditch your Keurig and instead brew your coffee in a more sustainable way. Try going back to the old-fashioned way of brewing a good old fashioned pot – were all busy people and need more than one cup anyway! Or get really fancy and brew your coffee using a French press, like a true caffeine connoisseur.

Remember your reusable coffee cup

Speaking of coffee, once you’ve brewed it sustainably, put it in a reusable cup! And remember to bring that cup to any takeout coffee joints that you may visit this year. Millions of disposable coffee cups are thrown out every single year and they’re not recyclable. Coffee cups are deceiving because their paper exterior gives off the impression they may be recyclable, but unfortunately these cups are lined with plastic material, making them unrecyclable and destined for landfill.

Read up on living plastic-free

One of the best things that you can do to support a plastic-free lifestyle is to stay educated. Some of my favourite books about living plastic-free include Zero Waste Home, Plastic Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too, and Life Without Plastic.

For those who prefer online reading in shorter bursts, here are some of my favourite plastic-free and zero-waste bloggers: The Zero Waste Chef, Going Zero Waste, and  Trash is for Tossers.

Make the switch to a safety razor

Did you know that over 2 billion disposable razors and blades are thrown away each year in the United States alone? That doesn’t even account for the plastic packaging waste that disposable razors create. Another way to live your plastic-free life is to ditch your disposable razor for a safety razor. The bases of these will last a lifetime and the metal blades are 100% recyclable!

Want to try out a safety razor in 2019? Use the code AVOCADOS to save 10% on a Rockwell razor.

Switch out plastic wrap for beeswax wrap

While single-use plastic cling wrap can only be used once, beeswax wraps can be used for up to a whole year before you have to buy another supply of them. This means that even a whole roll of cling wrap can’t last a fraction of the life of a beeswax wrap. Plus, beeswax wraps come in all different patterns so you can pack unique lunches that’ll set you apart from the crowd!


In Canada, we throw out $31 billion in food per year, 47% of which is generated by consumers and most of which is not properly disposed of. Instead of throwing your leftovers in the garbage, this year start composting! It’s simple to start an at-home compost and has a huge positive impact on our environment! Composting reduces CO2 emissions from the vehicles used to transport waste and helps to close the production cycle by returning what you grow back to the soil. Plus, composting is fun!

Shop at bulk food stores

Shopping at bulk food stores can lessen your environmental impact and help you save money at the same time. Things like lentils, beans, oats, and dried fruits tend to be much cheaper at bulk food stores than traditional grocers and don’t come packaged in plastic. So grab your favourite reusable mason jar and head to your favourite bulk food store this new year to stock up on some staples!

Learn how to make your own skincare products

Instead of purchasing skincare products in plastic packaging why not make your own? You’ll save some money and be able to control the type of packaging that you use, lessening your environmental impact! Plus, making body scrubs and face masks can make for a very fun afternoon with your friends.

Use bamboo cutlery

Bamboo is an eco-friendly renewable resource that can minimize your environmental impact by reducing the number of plastic utensils that you use. Instead of grabbing a plastic fork and knife every time you grab lunch at school or work, why not bring along your bamboo utensil set? They usually come in cute, inconspicuous packaging that will make them fun to carry and are a great conversation starter.

Use your voice

The absolute best way to lead a plastic-free life in 2019 is to be vocal about it. Tell your friends and family, write your elected representatives, ask your local restaurants to stop giving away plastic straws and bags, and be sure to always refuse these single-use items when offered. Leverage social media to raise awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution and encourage others to follow in your footsteps! By 2020 we may have an entire army of zero-waste and plastic free lifestylers taking this planet by storm!