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Happy new year everybody! Welcome to 2019!

As I sat down to reflect on this past year and set some intentions for the new year, I realized that I never published my resolutions from last year on my blog. (Which is probably why I didn’t achieve many of them!)

This year, I’m setting some BIG GOALS and am craving an accountability team to keep me focussed on track. Plus, I want to help keep you accountable too! I want to start this year with a strong group of passionate and dedicated individuals who are ready to make 2019 the best year yet.

If you want some accountability in reaching your goals this year too, leave me a comment down below and tell me what you hope to accomplish this year!

Do yoga once a week

Incorporating yoga into my regular workout routine is something that I’ve been trying to do for years. I always start out the year with good intentions of becoming more mindful and understanding how my body moves, but as the year picks up and things get busier, yoga quickly gets pushed to the bottom of my priorities. This year, I really want to make a conscious commitment to be intentional with yoga practice and learn how to take moments to slow down in the midst of all the craziness of this world.

Become fluent in Portuguese

Another resolution that’s been on my list for some time is to become fluent in family’s native language, Portuguese. While I have decent comprehension and conversation skills, this year I really want to take language learning seriously and become more confident in my Portuguese. I plan to start with weekly language lessons with a tutor and change the language on my smart devices to Portuguese. By December 2019 I hope to write my first blog post in Portuguese, or maybe even start bringing you guys multilingual vlogs on my YouTube channel!

Be able to do ten pull-ups

This is a bit of an embarrassing one because being able to do ten pull-ups has been one of my goals for two years now. Every year I seem to make this one of my resolutions, but never actually do anything to achieve it. In 2018 especially, I pulled back on a lot of upper body training which led to me losing A LOT of my strength up there. This year, I’m actually planning my workouts around the intention of being able to pull myself over that bar ten times over.

Read 52 books

This number seems daunting, but I think this will actually be the easiest goal for me to achieve in 2019. As I was writing my favourite books of 2018 post, I realized that I read 34 books this year, without even having a goal to do so! And I read all of those books while being a student consistently through every semester, travelling, and freelancing. I’ve always found it the most difficult to read for pleasure during the school year, so I mostly only read on school breaks and while travelling. However, in 2019 I will have a full four months off of school in between graduating my undergraduate program and starting my Master’s program, so I’m confident that hitting 52 books this year will be a breeze!

Disconnect from social media one day a month

When you work online it’s easy for social media to consume your life and really mess with your head. One thing I’ve really learned in 2018 is that NOBODY is as perfect and glamorous as they appear online. Seriously, nobody. And trying to keep up with these manicured images that depict only 1% of a person’s actual life is not only exhausting but really useless. To keep myself in check and make sure that I have my priorities straight, I want to take one full day a month to fully disconnect – no laptop, no phone, no checking any notifications of any sort. Total radio silence. Maybe I’ll use these days to fully immerse myself in yoga practice and mindfulness. 😉

Be intentional with my relationships

Another hard reality that I was faced with this year was that I was not being the best friend that I could’ve been. While I had a big year for career achievements, a lot of these happened at the expense of some of my most precious relationships. And it’s not nearly as rewarding to achieve these things if you have no one to celebrate with. In 2019, I’m making my friends and family a priority and making sure that I’m not blowing off quality time with them in order to do more work. Work will always be there and I really want to focus on living presently with the people that are most important to me this year.

Live an unbothered life

“Unbothered” is my official word for 2019. I’ve always been a person who “goes with the flow”, but at the same time can get very worked up over little details – and admittedly, be quite petty. This year I’m making it a goal to be unbothered by these little things and be conscious of the fact that my actions are the only ones that I can control. In 2019 I won’t spend so much time worrying about what other people are doing, but instead focussing on how I react to what others are doing and how I can control my own actions to remedy a situation. And if I can’t fix it, accept it and move on!

Make $10k a month blogging

This is a big one for me and honestly, pretty scary to actually put out there for the world. I’ve never been public about how much money I make from my blog, but this year I want to vocalize my income goals in order to keep me accountable for achieving them. Since I’ve decided to return to school in September 2019 to complete a Masters degree, I won’t have as much time for part-time work or freelancing gigs on top of school and this blog. So my goal is to make A&A my main source of income before I begin the program. This will be not only a huge weight off my shoulders as I enter this new chapter in my life, but also mean substantial growth for my brand and business.

Did you make any new year’s resolutions this year? Share them down below! Let’s help keep each other accountable, achieve our dreams, and make 2019 our best year yet! 🙂